We want Okay Goodnight to be known as influential Joymakers…
in television and film by the creative teams who work with us and for audiences around the globe. This goal extends beyond content we create and our direct collaborators to making a positive impact on the ethos of the industry we operate within. That’s why we’re so proud of our teams involvement in organizing around a number of worthy causes so far - we’re just getting started!
The give back-ular spectacular!
In the midst of the 2023 strike, crew members have gone without a paycheck for more than 6 months. Many are facing serious financial distress: losing homes, losing health insurance and struggling to feed their families.
Okay Goodnight worked alongside The Union Solidarity Coalition to present The Give Back-ular Spectacular! This event raised emergency relief funds for both union and non-union crew members in need due to the work stoppage
Showrunners for Abortion Rights Rally
In the wake of the Dobbs decision, and with so much production taking place in abortion hostile states, Marta joined the leadership committee for Showrunners for Abortion Rights, lobbying studios and networks to adopt more stringent health and safety protections for at-risk employees.
President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities
The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) is an advisory body to the President of the United States on cultural policy. Marta Kauffman serves on the committee alongside distinguished artists, scholars, museum and library practitioners, and philanthropists who are appointed by the President of the United States.